martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Searching for fish in the cosmic ocean - J. Emilio Enríquez Rascón

Searching for fish in the cosmic ocean.
Encyclopaedia Galactica.

In COSMOS chapter 12, Carl Sagan introduced us in an exquisite way to the question: are we alone in the Universe? We know that the laws of physics are aplicable in all the Universe. Therefore, it is possible that, in another place, another civilization has emerged with technological capabilities. What we don’t know, is how probable this is.
It is remarkable that after decades, the message in COSMOS continues to be valid. There are just a couple of updates I would like to point out.
For the case of the Drake equation, we have now a bit more knowledge. Back then, we didn’t know any planet around other stars. Their existence was speculated from indirect information. Nowadays, the study of exoplanets has revolutionized our understanding of this topic. It has been less than a decade since we know statistically that every star has at least one planet, and about one in five stars has a planet in the habitability zone (1). This same zone where our “pale blue dot” is sheltered by our Sun. If tonight we see the stars, we can then imagine the great number of planets that can potentially have the capacity to harbor life.
Just as in COSMOS times we wondered about the prevalence of planets in other stars based on indirect studies. Now, we ask ourselves in the same way about the origin and evolution of life that resulted in our species. These fields of science are beginning to have their own revolutions, and perhaps in the decades to come they will help us solve some of the other variables in the Drake equation.
Nevertheless, there exist more unknowns in the evolutionary process that give rise to a civilization on our planet capable of communicating with the Voyager probes (See more of Voyager in chapter 6.3).
But then, are there other civilizations in our Galaxy?
Whatever the probability of creating intelligent life is. What evolutionary processes (biological or not) would be necessary for the creation of a civilization with scientific and technological advances like our own? On Earth, the invention of agriculture, mathematics and astronomy took place on various parts of the world independently. Could this be the consequence of some universality in evolutionary processes of technological civilizations, having reached a sufficient cognitive capacity? Or could it be a coincidence specific to humans? What could we say about other later processes such as urbanization? If any of these universalities existed, then they would serve us as the Rosetta stone served to understand Egyptian hieroglyphs, as Sagan entertainingly narrated in COSMOS.
Since the times of cave paintings in remote places, we have wondered about our origins, and about our current comic solitude. In COSMOS, we saw how the Drake equation was used to estimate the reality of our solitude. Unfortunately, we cannot go very far without first assuming and speculating too much. Given the unknowns of various factors, it is equally likely that there are millions of civilizations in the Milky Way or that we are the only ones. In order to actually get closer to the answer, a rigorous, systematic and scientific study is necessary.
In 1959, Guiseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison, prestigious physicist from Cornell University, published the article: “Searching for Interstellar Communications”. There, for the first time in history it was boldly pointed out that radio waves were a reasonable means of interstellar communication, and with this the SETI1 field of research was created. The reasons for using radio waves are clear: 1) they travel at the speed of light2; 2) they are minimally affected by the interstellar medium; 3) they are cheap to manufacture; and 4) their manipulation to send information is straightforward. As an illustration of the potential of radio waves we show signals we collected from the Voyager 1 spacecraft at the outskirts of the Solar System. The spacecraft has a power no greater than that of a home refrigerator (Figure). What, then, would an advanced civilization be then capable of?

Voyager 1 spacecraft signal routinely detected in September 2016 by the Green Bank radio telescope in West Virginia, USA. The strong central signal is a tone without information, its purpose is to be easily located. The information arrives in the sidebands at a known “distance” from the central signal.  The change in frequency with respect to time described in chapter 6.3 is evident here. Image courtesy of the author.

It is not by chance that today our telecommunications technology permeates our everyday lives in countless ways. These properties radio has, offer versatility in its use and even more importantly, they provide the ability to create a message that would undoubtedly be recognized for its artificial characteristics. Such a message would give us the certain but indirect proof of intelligent life somewhere else in the Universe, and as Carl Sagan said in COSMOS, “the history of our species […] would change forever”.
The first search for radio signals was conducted in 1961 by Frank Drake (whom I have the honor to meet) and known as Project OZMA (2). This search as well as others conducted in the following two decades were focused around specific frequencies also known as “magic frequencies” because of their relation to known astrophysical processes, and thus a reference in common with other civilizations. The most common example is the emission line of the hydrogen atom at 1,420 MegaHertz. The technological limitations of the time allowed radioastronomers to search only on a reduced number of frequencies or “channels” simultaneously. By the 1980s, this number increased to a few thousands frequencies, and further technological advances increased this number to millions of frequencies by the end of the 20th century. More over, the frequency bands for the search were also widen. These days it is possible to study billions of channels simultaneously, equivalent to giving each person in the world their own frequency to tune into.
The search has also increased in other aspects as well over the decades. Project OZMA was a modest search of two neighboring Sun-like stars. Later projects made observations of dozens, then hundreds, and these days thousands of stars have been searched for signals. Moreover, the search has also diversified to nearby galaxies and other regions of the sky.
COSMOS has been a continuous inspiration since my childhood, and directed me to the field of astronomy. It was a privilege for me to publish in 2017 the first results of the Breakthrough Listen project, at that time were the most comprehensive results in the history of SETI (3). It was an exciting experience, where we found some peculiar signals which origin, we realized, was our own human technology, telecommunication satellites orbiting the Earth.
Not all searches have been on radio waves, other projects are looking for optical and infrared lasers signals with conventional telescopes. Other searches have been of putative technological processes of great scales, as is the well-known example of Dyson’s spheres3. Today we call the set of all these types of posible signatures (including radio) as technosignatures4. All these different types of searches have the same premise: to find signals or signatures that nature cannot create by itself.
Multiple projects over the years have been carried out by looking for these different types of technosignatures. But after all these searches there hasn't been found any definitive sign still. An unavoidable question that many have asked is: after searching all these decades, can we say that we are alone in the Universe?
It is actually too early to say this. The largest searches are still small. In the Milky Way there are between 100 and 400 billion stars, if there were a million civilizations in the Galaxy, as mentioned in COSMOS, then we could say that on average one out of every 100,000 or 400,000 stars has a civilization, about 100 times more than the number of stars that have been searched to date. Assuming that the nearest civilization wanted to communicate with us, and assuming that it wanted to do it with radio waves, what frequency would they use? Here we would have to extend our search to other frequencies, to cover the entire possible range, we would have to increase this by another factor of 100. And what if they are not transmitting continuously, but sporadically? This would mean that we had to always observe them. Today the stars are generally observed for a few minutes, hours at most. Searches would have to increase by another factor of 1,000. Multiplying these factors and ignoring other possible ones, we see that we need to increase by a factor of 10 million, and this is an optimistic scenario assuming a million civilizations in our Galaxy. As Jill Tarter, a radio astronomer by profession and one of the most iconic characters in SETI history, put it, All of the concerted SETI efforts, [] are equivalent to scooping a single glass of water from the oceans. And no one would decide that the ocean was without fish on the basis of one glass of water” (4).
The great search is yet to begin, but now is not the time to get discouraged. The technological advances foreseen in the coming decades will give us the appropriate tools for the search. What we have to do is to keep listening” and increase the search. In the past, there have been ups and downs in the level of public or private support for this cause. In general it has only been a handful of scientists involved, and the current projects still lack the manpower. So there are many aspects to improve in the future.
I conclude with what Guiseppe Cocconi and Philip Morrison in 1959 aptly said in their inaugural article: "The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search, the chance of success is zero”.

Notes :
1 SETI or the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence; originally called CETI, or Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
2 The speed of light is the speed limit in the Universe as Albert Einstein discovered in 1905 with his theory of special relativity (See chapter 8.5).
3 First proposed in 1960 for Freeman Dyson, a talented physicist from Princeton.
4 A subset of biosignatures, term used in Astrobiology. Thus updating the somewhat obsolete SETI term.


J. Emilio Enríquez Rascón.
PhD in Astrophysics.
Previously scientific researches at the University of California Berkeley.

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