martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Quantum supremacy: I, for one, welcome our new quantum overlords - Elías Fernández-Combarro Álvarez

Quantum supremacy: I, for one, welcome our new quantum overlords.
The persistence of memory.

The announcement of Google’s achievement of quantum supremacy1 made the news not once, but twice. The first one, when the paper with the momentous development was, somehow, leaked in September 2019. The second one, about one month later, when the scientific article was finally published in Nature. And I am not counting what would be the third one, when IBM released a press note trying to refute Google’s findings. As you can see, this is not your typical discovery. It reaches way beyond the academic and scientific environments to capture the public’s imagination. In fact, it has been compared by Scott Aaronson, one of the world’s most prominent quantum computing researchers, to that historical moment of the Wright Brothers’ first flight. It is intriguing, isn’t it? In this brief note, I will try to explain what that much talked-about quantum supremacy is, what the researchers at Google have exactly done to achieve it, why IBM objects to it and, more importantly, why all this has the potential to become one the most celebrated scientific and technological developments of the 21st century. To that extent, we need to start at the very beginning, by answering a fundamental question…
What is quantum computing?
The inner workings of quantum computers are the subject of the (excellent) chapter by Diego García-Martín that you can find in this very same volume and, in fact, not so long ago I had the pleasure of writing about the topic for another book2. However, in order to make this article as self-contained as possible, I will take the liberty of mentioning some of the facts that I will be referring to later on.
In my opinion, the most important thing to understand is that a quantum computer is not just a faster computer. In fact, it is not even true that quantum computers are faster than classical computers at every task (and they may be slower at some!). Then, why all the fuss about quantum computing? What makes quantum computers so special is that they can take advantage of some weird properties of subatomic particles (such as superposition, interference and entanglement) to approach certain problems in a different way, one that classical computers cannot use. This makes it possible to develop quantum algorithms that solve some problems in much less time than any classical algorithm we have found3.
The most prominent example of such a quantum algorithm is due to Peter Shor, who in 1994 discovered a way to quickly factor numbers with the help of a quantum computer. Finding the prime factors of an integer may seem like a child’s play, and it indeed is, at least if the number in question is 15, 21, 49 or any other small enough number. But what about, for instance, 3442236437844890848962691120256523872456444051997010354874932020517692086113259539755530138240613932133436429030725281214457504205876121500455522122021956828989679539799089428606069211781714466580121376966304852290646741335767985832244563863256968923004470022322683044576929476947120638879022104852435535246204194655452192106910647827239222132389476473637854580838107932559200658278001280804572498177? Not so easy, right4? It turns out that the best classical algorithm for this kind of problem that we know of would take an inordinate amount of time if the input was a number of, lets say, 1000 digits. This difficulty is, in fact, the basis of some widely used cryptographic protocols such as the famous RSA method. But Shor’s algorithm shows that, with a quantum computer, factoring such a number and, consequently, breaking most of the Internet’s security would be much, much easier.
What is, then, quantum supremacy?
Proving mathematically that a quantum computer can achieve feats such as factoring a very long number is one thing; running Shor’s algorithm in an actual quantum computer is a very different one. The technological challenge of building a big enough quantum computer has proven to be one of the most difficult ones that we, as a species, have ever faced. However, the last few years have seem some remarkable improvements and developments in the techniques needed to build general-purpose quantum computers and some devices have jumped from lab prototypes to actual, albeit limited, devices that can even be used for free on the Internet. This led John Preskill, in 2012, to define quantum supremacy as that moment in which a real quantum computer “clearly beats” the most powerful classical computer at some task. Note that this task needs not be useful. It only has to be something that the quantum computer solves much faster than any existing classical computer. Eventually, several research groups accepted, in some way or another, this challenge, among them Google’s Quantum AI Lab, directed by John Martinis. This team would, some years later, rock the world by announcing their success.
How has Google achieved quantum supremacy?
It would be natural to think that a perfect candidate for a quantum supremacy experiment would be finding the factors of a big number. We know of no algorithm that can efficiently solve the problem in a classical computer (and we strongly suspect that there is no such a method), but we could use Shor’s algorithm to find the factors on a quantum computer and, later, check that they are correct in any desktop PC (multiplication is, of course, efficient on classical computers).The problem is that using Shor’s algorithm with a big integer requires a quantum computer much bigger and accurate than any we have been able to build so far. One of the most important parameters in a quantum computer’s architecture is the number of qubits (somehow equivalent to the RAM of a conventional computer). Sycamore, the quantum processor that Google used to achieve quantum supremacy, has 54 (of which 53 are usable). It has been estimated that to factor a number that is beyond the capabilities of current classical computers, several million qubits would be needed.

Google's Sycamore quantum processor. (Credits: Erik Lucero, Google).

However, there is a straightforward task that is easy for quantum computers but seems to be very hard for classical algorithms: executing quantum circuits. These circuits are the analog of programs from classical computers. So, essentially, what a quantum computer does is just executing quantum circuits5. Classical computers can also execute (simulate would probably be a more accurate term) these circuits, but the needed time grows exponentially with the number of qubits. This means that simulating a 100 qubit quantum circuit with a classical computer may take longer than the time that has passed since the Big Bang. What Martinis’ team did was to generate random quantum circuits of 53 qubits, run them of their quantum processor and sample from the results. This took their computer about 300 seconds. They estimated that doing something similar with the fastest classical computer available would take 10,000 years. Quantum supremacy achieved!
Or not?
As I’ve mentioned in the introduction, some researchers at IBM have objected to Google’s announcement. Their argument is that Google has not considered all the possibilities. To make a long story short, there exists an algorithm for simulating quantum circuits that uses a lot of memory. A lot. So much, that no existing computer today has enough RAM to run it for 53 qubit circuits. Thus, Google made their estimations considering another algorithm that is slower but uses much less memory. Hence the 10,000 years. IBM argues that you could still run the faster simulation algorithm if you used not only RAM, but also hard disks for storaging the data needed in the computation. With this approach, they estimate that the running time for simulation Google’s circuits would be just two and a half days.
So… who is right after all?
Quantum supremacy is loosely defined. It does not set a clear milestone, and the goal could change if new algorithms are discovered or with new hardware breakthroughs. But, measure it as you will, Google’s achievement is extremely remarkable. 300 seconds is certainly much less than two and half days and even IBM concedes that with a few more qubits their approach would be unfeasible. Even better. What John Martinis’ team has achieved, this quantum supremacy, is just the beginning of a new era in which quantum computers may help us reach higher and higher peaks. The era of quantum computing. Carl Sagan would most surely be very proud!

1 The term “quantum supremacy”, because of its political implications, has been considered inadequate by some quantum computing researchers. Several alternatives have been suggested, including “quantum advantange”, but as has been pointed out by John Preskill, this new term fails to capture the real difference between quantum and classical computers. For this reason, and because of the widespread used of “supremacy”, I have decided to use it in this text.
2 “Y un gran paso para la humanidad”, edited by Ana Casalvilla Dueñas and Quintín Garrido, that you can download free from:
3 And we have good reasons to think that it is not because we have not tried hard enough, but because it is indeed impossible to find fast classical algorithms for those problems.
4 Its factors are, by the way,
38446987513619644955815324662957851615740204558929741701011236593747201243473865651109495096257976848140931686246832118997178441313186890031551687408532105122099332172678260860632442477936678431268763 and
5 Other quantum computing paradigms exist, but the most popular is the quantum circuit one.

(1) Arute, F., Arya, K., Babbush, R. et al., 2019, Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processorNature 574, 505–510
(2) Pednault E., Gunnels J., Maslov D., Gambetta J., 2019, On “Quantum Supremacy”, IBM Research blog,
(3) Preskill, J., 2019, Why I Called It ‘Quantum Supremacy’, Quanta Magazine,

Elías Fernández-Combarro Álvarez.
MSc in Mathematics. Bachelor in Computer Science. PhD in Mathematics.
Associate Professor - Computer Science Department – University of Oviedo (Spain).

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